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Configure Direct Routing for TeamMate Connector

1 min read

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Intended Audience: Global Administrators configuring Microsoft Teams

This article outlines the process for configuring direct routing for TeamMate Connector. This step should be completed after receiving the TeamMate Registration email. 

  1. The Global Administrator of the Enterprise will receive an email from TeamMate with an invitation Code and a link to complete registration.
  2. Copy the Invitation Code and click on Complete
  3. Log in to the portal with Global Admin Credentials.
  4. Navigate to Enterprise > Direct Routing
  5. Click on Setup Direct Routing Details
    Click to Zoom
  6. Paste the Invitation Code from the previous section
  7. Select one of the Microsoft Office Domains that are registered to the Enterprise and let TeamMate confirm it is set up to support Direct Routing.
  8. Ensure that Domain is successfully validated, then click the Complete Direct Routing button to start the process.
  9. Direct Routing provisioning will take between 2 minutes and 48 hours contingent on Microsoft’s internal intervals.
  10. When Direct Routing set up is complete you will receive an alert Email at the TeamMate registered Global Admin email address.
  11. Notify your provider that this step has been completed so they can proceed with the configuration. Do not complete any further steps

Troubleshooting #

Ensure TM_PBX_Unrestricted was added to Voice Routing Policies. If not, users will not see a Dial Pad under Calls on Teams application.

  1. Log in to 
  2. Click on Voice
  3. Click on Voice Routing Polices
  4. Check if you have the following Policies.
  5. If you have the rules above, do not proceed with the following steps:
    1. Click on Global (Org-Wide Default)
    2. Click on Add PSTN Usage..
    3. Checkmark TM_PBX_Unrestricted
    4. Click Apply

Have your users sign back into Teams, they will now see Dial Pad. 

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